First Grade Common Core Learning Objective Guide for ELA


The Common Core Learning Objectives and Essential Tools break down the Common Core Standard into teachable Learning Objectives, providing a clear focus for each lesson.  The Essential Tools include additional resources to help teachers such as academic and content vocabulary lists, posters, rubrics, and checklists.  Schools using these Learning Objectives support a schoolwide focus on standards-based lessons.  The guides provide the link between Common Core Standards and lessons to teach the Standards.

Product Type: eBook
Product Name: First Grade Common Core Learning Objective Guide for English Language Arts
Published: Jan 20, 2014


This e-Book guide provides teachable learning objectives alongside First Grade CCSS for English Language Arts.

The non-eBook guide is also available as part of the subscription Educeri. The educeri version has internal links to relevant lessons in the gallery, making finding the right lesson fast and easy.


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